Manuscript Records of Traders- Travellers- Missionaries and Diplomats- 1853-1941
Part 2: Journals and Student Essays
Part 3: Correspondence and Scrapbooks
Part 4: Collected Papers of Brown, Perry and others
Part 5: Writings by Griffis
Detailed Listing - Part 2
The term 'journal', Griffis's own preferred term, is used to designate
both Griffis's regular diaries, and the occasional journal recording a
specific trip. Volumes from early years also include other materials. Later
volumes are more strictly notes on Griffis's daily activities.
Griffis's early journal work is occasional and sporadic; only in 1877 does
he appear to have developed a consistent system for keeping and maintaining
journals. The final sequence of nineteen journals [Ac. 2074; nos. 14-32],
beginning with this date, was collated and dated by Katharine G M Johnson, whose
brief notes appear in most volumes. Titles are given as they appear on volume
spines. A number of volumes also have one or a few clippings pasted into the
Student Essays
Among the most important and interesting groups of materials in the Griffis
Collection are the 340 or so student essays. These are essays written in English
for Griffis by students in Fukui and Tokyo (at the Kaisei Gakko), or for
Margaret Clark Griffis in her two years as teacher at the Tokyo Government Girls' School (Kanritsu Tokyo Jo Gakko, the forerunner of the Peeresses'
School) (see Part 4, Reel 60). These are school compositions, mainly in fair
copy (some with minor corrections by Griffis or Margaret Griffis). In aggregate
they reveal quite clearly what assignments Griffis (and Margaret Griffis) made:
the typical early assignment was to write an autobiography or relate a
folk-tale; Griffis also asked students to give accounts of the geography of
their home provinces in Japan, and later essays delved into subjects in culture
(including 'Children's Games'; 'The Money of Japan'; 'Street and
Shop Signs'; 'Theatre'), history, or historiography (for example, a
comparison between Japanese and English approaches to history). Also assigned
was the revealing topic 'My First Impressions of Foreigners'. The
essays demonstrated astonishing proficiency in English and were clearly intended
to serve multiple purposes. From the start Griffis found them useful as original
source materials on the Japanese nation and culture. Now, they provide an
unparalleled view not only into early Meiji Japan, but also into the methods of
the education Griffis introduced, the formidable powers - in language,
learning, and critical ability - of these élite students, and the fascinating
early results of this meeting between cultures and ideologies.
The importance of these essays was early recognized, and almost all had been
segregated from the main collection for preservation when the current processing
project began. Some bear the traces of gummed labels used to tip them into
scrapbooks (they seem to have been removed by Katharine Johnson). Unless
otherwise noted, these items may be assumed to have been located in boxes <217>, <218> or <219> of the old collection arrangement. The
essays are being arranged at the item level; those which were separated early
have been listed, with essays encapsulated for preservation listed first; but
many others remain undocumented (140 unlisted essays as of July 1995). Some
fragments also appear here, awaiting collation.
These essays are organized by topic in 19 sub-series, and arranged in the
following ways within the sub-series: first alphabetically by author, next
alphabetically by title, and finally alphabetically by assigned title or first
Journals 1-9, 1859-1877
1. 'Journal' 1859-1862. <49> Annotated by Katharine G M Johnson.
2. Journal, entitled Webster Literary Society (1860); includes diary
1862-1864. <41>
Opening pages (and an insert in front) are examples of popular verse apparently
recited by Griffis on public occasions, 1856-1860, and transcribed by him
1860-61. In the back are some pages given to memorializing friends and war
comrades; at the end a catalogue of figures from the Old Testament. Volume has
some blank pages. Annotated by Katharine G M Johnson.
3. Civil War Journal, 1863, and account book 1864-1865. <54/1>
Label reads 'Penna. Campaign 1863 / To Wilkes Barre etc. / Notes etc'.
War Journal covers July 3 - August 28 1864. Also included are financial
accounts, address records, some other journal entries from October - November
1864, and other notes.
4. Journal, 1864-1870. <49>
Begins September 17 1864; ends October 24 1870: covers college years. A gap
during the summer of 1867 is covered in next item. There are a few blank pages;
a couple of indexes at the back. Annotated by Griffis and by Katharine G M
5. 'Journal 1867' and miscellaneous notes [Ac 2074] <54/2>
Covers June 28 1867 - September 15 1867. Starting from p. 66 (and interspersed
earlier) the book includes notes and ideas on miscellaneous subjects. Some
entries are in pen, but mostly the volume is written faintly in pencil.
Pencilled journal entries have been written over in ink by KGMJ.
6. 'Note Book' [WEG's title]: Europe Travel Journal, 1869. <49> [includes commonplace book]. [Ac 2064]
Diary entries run from July 9 1869 to October 7 1869, mainly on recto of pages.
Also noted are miscellaneous ideas for lectures, writings etc. From the back, a
few pages detail quotes and notes from reading. Annotated by Katharine G M
7. 'Address Book / College / Upper Red Hook [?].' <48>
Including short diary entries for 1870, addresses, etc. A few small pressed
leaves and flowers are enclosed.
8. WEG's Travel Journal 1870-71, and Japan Notes 1870-1874 [Ac 2064] <240>
Opening pages contain lists of friends and contacts (Pruyn family, Clark family,
et al.). Diary entries run from November 15 1870 to January 12 1871(p. 38).
Covers transcontinental train journey; Omaha; San Francisco; trans-Pacific
voyage and arrival in Japan. The bulk of the book, however, comprises notes on
Japanese subjects: historic sites, legends, religion, etc. Important: notes on
WEG's classes, students, with their comments and contributions. At the end of
the book is a list of correspondents. Numerous pages are blank. Annotated by
Katharine G M Johnson.
9. WEG's Fukui Journal 1871-1877 <241>
Journal begins in January 1871 [Yokohama?], published portion begins with March
1871. Accounts of WEG's walking tours, people met, books and studies, weather.
Book includes annotations [by WEG at a later date and by KGMJ] not included in
printed version. Following 1871 entries are financial accounts, lists of
correspondents, articles written [for American papers], books read, tea parties,
necrology, books needed etc. Enclosed are also typed copies of letters [by KGMJ].
Other pages have quotations and commonplaces, lists of lecture topics, notes for
classes and/or articles, "Outline of the Science of Chemistry" [divided into chapters], list of yatoi and other foreigners in Japan with
addresses. Then the journal begins again with January 1, 1872. Broken by similar
lists hitherto, the journal continues through to March 27, 1877 [sometimes out
of order]. More notes include notes to Tokyo Guide [q.v.], lists of articles
written for periodicals, notes for sermons, recollections, accounts, addresses,
books read, correspondence, etc.
Journals: 10-19, 1871-1901
10. Japan journal, 1871 [Ac 2064] <48>
Leather bound pocket calendar for 1870. Labelled 'Hakuzan and trips from Fukui
/ Mikuni eg'. Scattered throughout are organizational notes for teaching, etc.
In the middle pages are journal entries recording trips made in the interior in
1871. In the notebook pouch are also a few loose notes with a clipping on sugar
milling (on which there are also notes inside).
11. Japan diary pages, 1872-1873 <49/5>.
Loose sheets from a notebook [possibly transcribed from elsewhere?]: irregular
entries covering a period February 13, 1872 - October 9, 1873. Entries are very
informative and observant. Annotated by Katharine G M Johnson.
12. Travel Journal, 1873. <48>
In Kazura; January 1873; to Shizuoka, March, 1873. Small ledger volume; many
pages blank.
13. 'Journal / 1877 to 1883 / Schenectady'. [Ac 2074] <53/1>
Covers May 21 1877 - January 26 1884.
14. 'Boston, April 1885 - October 1887' [Ac 2074] <53/2>
Covers January 26 1885 - October 14 1887.
15. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/3>
Covers October 15 1887 - December 31 1890 [Boston]
16. 'January 1 1891 Ithaca December 31 1894' [Ac 2074] <53/4>
Covers January 1 1891 - May 27 1891; June 30 1892 - December 31 1894.
17. 'May 24 1891 Boston - Europe June 30 1892' [Ac 2074] <53/5>
18. 'January 1 1895 Ithaca March 20 1898' [Ac 2074] <53/6>
Covers January 1 1895 - March 31 1898.
19. '1898 Ithaca 1901' [Ac 2074] <53/7>
Covers April 1 1898 - May 17 1901.
Journals 20-26, 1900-1919
20: 'Europe 1900' Notebook [Ac 2074] <53/8>
Journal entries cover July 4 - September 17 1900: honeymoon voyage of Griffis
and Frances King Griffis to England (with children and Griffis's sister
Martha). Interspersed are many notes on English culture, landscape etc.
21. 'May 18 1901 Ithaca August 1 1904' [Ac 2074] <53/9>
22. 'Ithaca August 1904 to August 1907' [Ac 2074] <53/10>
Covers August 1 1904 - August 1 1907.
23. '1907 - Ithaca - 1910' [Ac 2074] <53/11>
Covers August 1 1907 - April 14 1910.
24. '1910 - Ithaca - 1913' [Ac 2074] <53/12>
Covers April 15 1910 - June 12 1913.
25. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/13>
Covers June 13 1913 - June 17 1916.
26. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/14>
Covers June 18 1916 - March 31 1919.
Journals 27-31, 1919-1928
27. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/15>
Covers April 1 1919 - March 15 1922.
28. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/16>
Covers March 22 1922 - November 13 1924.
29. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/17.
Covers November 14 1924 - September 17 1926.
30. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/17>
Covers September 17 1926 - January 1 1928. Documents second trip to Japan
31. [Journal] [Ac 2074] <53/18>
Covers January 2 1928 - February 3 1928. Volume is mainly blank; after the last
entry a transcription by KGMJ of a letter by Frances King Griffis describes his
last illness.
Student Essays 1-199
Subseries: AINOS
1. Aino by S Hirai
2. The Ainos by Ibi
3. The Ainos by Iriye
4. The Ainos by T Kikuchi
5. The Ainos by Matsui
6. About the Ainos by Miyasaki
7. About the Aino by Nakayama
8. The Aino by Nomura
9. About the Ainos by T Okamura
10. About the Aino by H Shimidzu
Subseries: ART
11. Hidari Gingoro [Jingoro] by Fukuyo
12. Famous Drawing Masters in Japan by Kobayashi Kans
13. The Artists by Kuharu
14. The Drawing-master by Nakakuki
15. The Famous Drawing-masters or Artists and their Productions by M N
16. A Famous Drawing Master by W Watanabe
17. Japanese Artists [unsigned]
18. The Japanese Drawing [unsigned]
19. Thrilling Incidents and a Few Sketch of My Life by Joh Adam"
20. [Autobiography] by Edward
21. Life of T F by T Fujita
22. [Letter to Griffis re: student autobiography, from K Haraguchi]
23. A Short Sketch of My Life by K Haraguchi
24. Life of S Hatakeyama
25. Sketch of My Life by M I Ichikawa
26. Sketch of My Life by N Iriye
27. Life of Fukutsu [noted as Kawakami by WEG]
28. My Autobiography by Komura Jutaro
29. History of My Life signed "Thomas M---"
30. Life of John signed J Matsumura
31. [Autobiography] by Nishikawa
32. The Sketch of My Life by T Okamura
33. The Sketch of My Life by M N Sagisaka
34. The Sketch of My Life by Takasu Rokuro
35. The Story of My Life by Toyama Toshi. Toyama relates he is shortly to
be adopted as Kawakatsu
36. My Life by Wakamatsu or Aidzu? [WEG's attribution]
37. [Autobiography] by Yezawa
38. [Autobiography] My father was.[unsigned]
39. [Autobiography] It was on the 15th.[unsigned]. Written with brush
on Japanese paper.
40. Short Account of My Life During the Civil War.[unsigned]
41. Short Sketch of My Life [unsigned]
42. A Sketch of My Life [unsigned]
43. Burial Customs by N Nakakuki
44. Burial Customs by S Suzuki
45. Burial Customs by M N Takeo
46. The Children's Play [unsigned]
47. Children's Playing [unsigned]
48. The Game [unsigned]
49. The Games of Children, As it would be impossible.[unsigned]
50. The Games of Children, In every quarter of the globe.[unsigned]
51. The Games of Children, It is the general rule.[unsigned]
52. The Games of the Children of Tokio [unsigned]
53. [Games of Children] Though I am now in the second class.[unsigned]
54. [Games of Children] When a large kite flies.[unsigned]
55. The Plays of Children, The instruction of.[unsigned]
56. Plays of the Japanese Children, The name of the play. [unsigned]
57. The Plays of the Japanese Children, Though it would be.[unsigned]
58. The Plays of the Japanese Children, (illustrated) [unsigned]
59. The Scientific Ignorance of the East by W. Amakadzu
60. The Japanese Titles by Haraguchi
61. The Difference Between the Mind of Woman and that of Man by Isogi
62. The Papers of Japan by K. Kobayashi
63. [Chinese market customs and Downfall of Shiogun] by Mitzukana
64. The Opinions of the Old People of Japan by M.P. Okada
65. History by Sugioka
66. The Battle of Ueno by K. Suzuki
67. [About the Post Stations from Tokio to Kanazawa] by Takahashi
68. Kanda Miyojin by Tsuda
69. Celebrated Archers by Ushiba Kataoka
70. About the Statue of Rikiu and that of Nobunaga (unsigned)
71. Bell of Daibutsu [attributed to Iwadate by KGMJ]
72. Books which were Published in Mito [unsigned]
73. The Brief Statement of Different Characteristics of the Various Buddhist
Sects in Japan [unsigned]
74. [Japanese Castle Gates] [unsigned]
75. [Japanese Foods] [unsigned]
76. About Frugarity [sic] [unsigned]
77. [Funeral of ex-prince of Kaga] [unsigned]
78. [Glossary of kanji with readings and translations] [unsigned]
79. Grace [unsigned]
80. [Japanese History, Narrative notes to] [unsigned]
81. Judzu (number beads) [unsigned]
82. Kattszusendai [?] [unsigned]
83. List of Kuanrei's during Ashikaga Shogunate [unsigned]
84. List of Names of Sake [unsigned]
85. List of Officers] [unsigned]
86. Military Affairs, Officers, and People [unsigned]
87. Mirror [unsigned]
88. [On Sanshiwo: notes] [unsigned]
89. Yamato no kusushi no omio [unsigned]
Subseries: DREAMS
90. The Idea of the Japanese concerning Dreams by Hirari
91. Dream by Iriye
92. Dream [unsigned]
93. About Fox by Fukuyo
94. About Badgers and Foxes by Hatakeyama
95. Foxes and Badgers by Ito
96. The Death of Osan by K. Kawakami
97. About the Fox and the Badger by Kobayashi
98. [Fox narrative] by Kobayashi
99. [Fox narrative fragment] by Kobayashi
100. The Story of Riugoo by Osawa.
101. Foxes and Badgers by Z.S.
102. A Story of a Fox by Takamatsu
103. Chiuo of the Kingdom, In by Watanabe
104. About the Fiction of Foxes and Badgers and My Native Province
105. Dojoji [unsigned]
106. [Fox narrative] In my native province.[unsigned]
107. [Fox narrative] In my province there were.[unsigned]
108. [Fox narrative] In a certain place.[unsigned]
109. [Fox narrative] It is supposed.[unsigned]
110. [Fox narrative fragment] Foxes and badgers are.[unsigned]
111. [Fox narratives] I will tell you stories.[unsigned]
112. Miidera [unsigned]
113. Mischief Mischief Misfortune [unsigned]
114. The Picture on the Obverse / The Pitcure on the Reverse. Annotated
by Griffis as Greenback Stories. [unsigned]
115. Popular Superstitions Concerning the fox and the Badger [unsigned]
116. A Story of a Fox [unsigned]
117. The Story of Fox [unsigned]
118. Story of Hare and Badger [unsigned]
119. Story of Momotaro [unsigned]
120. The Waterfall of Yoro [unsigned]
Subseries: FANS
121: The Japanese Fans by Matsui
122: The Japanese Fan by H. Mayeda
123: Fans by M.T. Nishimura
124: Japanese Fans by Sakura
125: Fans by R.T.
126: Fan [unsigned]
127: My First Impressions of Foreigners by T. Kikuchi
128: My First Impressions of Foreigners by N. Kishiro
129: My First Impressions of Foreigners by Masuda
130: My First Impressions of Foreigners by Matsui
131: The First Impressions of Japanese on Foreigners by Miyazaki
132: My First Impressions of Foreigners by Nagai
133: Contents of Naigai Ichiran [Synopsis of Internal/External
(Affairs) a listing of a table of contents, unsigned]
134: Our First Impressions of Foreigners by Okamura
135. My First Impressions of Foreigners by Takasu
136. My First Impressions of Foreigners by Tanaka
137. My First Impressions of Foreigners [unsigned]
Subseries: GEOGRAPHY
138: The Geography of My Province (Choshiu) by Amano
139: The Geography of My Province (Iyo) by Iriye
140: Lake Biwa by Iwaya
141: The Geography of My Province (Iwate) by Kikuchi
142: The Geography of Sooruga by T. Kishiro
143: [On Hot Springs] by R. Kobayashi
144: The Geography of My Own Province (Mimasaka) by Kuhara
145: [Sulphur Springs of Beppu] by Masuda
146: Mino by Matsui
147: My Own Province (Yamato) by Matsumoto
148: The Geography of My Own Country (Shimodsuke [sic]) by Nishimura
149: Description of the Province Kotsuke by Numura
150: The Geography of My Province, Kadsusa by Okamura
151: My Native Province (Dewa, Uzen) by Sagisaka
152: The Geography of My Province (Kaga) by J. Sakurai
153: The Geography of My Own Province (Oshiu) by Sawaki
154: The Geography of My Province (Chikugo) by H. Shimidzu
155: The Geography of My Own Province (Yamato) by N. Taniguchi
156: The Greatest Earthquake of Tokio by Urin
157: About Ancient Tokio [unsigned]
158: About my Native Province (Yashima, in Ugo) [unsigned]
159: About Nanboo [unsigned]
160: About Provinces (Echigo, Shinsue) [unsigned]
161: About the Province (Hitachi) [unsigned]
162: About the Provinces of Ise and Iga [unsigned]
163: About Yedo [unsigned]
164: Chikuzen [unsigned]
165: The City of Nagasaki [unsigned]
166: The City of Tokei [unsigned]
167: Composition about Daishoj [unsigned]
168: Composition about My Province (Aizu) [unsigned]
169: Description of Kioto [unsigned]
170: Description of Tokio [unsigned]
171: The Description of Yedo (illustration) [unsigned]
172: The Description of Yedo Six or Seven Years Ago [unsigned]
173: The Geography of my native province (Musashino) [unsigned]
174: The Geography of my province (Musashi) [unsigned]
175: Kaga [unsigned]
176: Kanazawa [unsigned]
177: Kurume [unsigned]
178: My Native City (Fukuyama) [unsigned]
179: My Native City (Iwate) [unsigned]
180: My Native City (Minakuchi in Omi) [unsigned]
181: My Native City (Nambu) [unsigned]
182: My Native Land (Tokio) [unsigned]
183: My Native Province (Iwatsuki) [unsigned]
184: My Native Province (Nakatsu in Buzen) [unsigned]
185: My Native Province (Shimosa) [unsigned]
186: My Native Province (Takasu) [unsigned]
187: The Province Iwakuni [unsigned]
188: The Province of Iyo [unsigned]
189: The Province of Kaga [unsigned]
190: The Province of Yechijen [Echizen] [unsigned]
191: Some Parts of the Province of Hitachi [unsigned]
192: Tokaido Places [unsigned]
193: Tokio In the province called.[unsigned]
194: Tokio There are three large cities.[unsigned]
195: Tokio Tokio, One of the Largest [unsigned]
196: Tsugaru [unsigned]
197: (My Province is Bitchin.) [unsigned]
198: (The Province Yamato.) [unsigned]
199: (When I had been in my native province.) (Omi) [unsigned]
Student Essays 200-319
200: Japanese Historical Works by N Iriye
201: [Contrasts of Historical Styles] by T Kikuchi
202: Contrasts in Historical Works by Komura
203: Letters to Griffis re: contrasting historical styles, by R Miura [?]
204: The Comparisons of Historical Styles by Nakyama
205: The Japanese Historical Work by Nomura
206: The Comparison of the Works of the Celebrated Japanese writers with
those of the English by Y Okamura
207: The Comparison of Historical Styles between Japan and England by M N
208: [Contrasts in Historical Styles] by S Saito
209: House-hold Superstitions by Fukuda
210: House-hold Superstitions by T. Hanawa
211: Household Superstitions Among the Japanese People by Hasegawa
212: Household Superstition by Ichikawa
213: House-hold Superstitions by Imaseki
214: Household Superstition by Ishigaru
215: Superstition of Household by Ishimatsu
216: The Japanese Household Superstitions by Isono
217: Household Superstition by Iwaya
218: The Superstition concerning the fox and the badger by O Kimura
219: Household Superstition by Miyabara
220: Household Superstitions by Omeus
221: Household Superstition by Sugioka
222: Household Superstition by S Suzuki
223: Householder's Superstition by H Y Yamaoka
224: The Household Superstition in Japan [unsigned]
225: Household Superstitions [unsigned]
226: House-hold [sic] Superstition [unsigned]
227: Japanese Domestic Superstition [unsigned]
228: Japanese Superstitions [unsigned]
229: Japanese Household Worships [unsigned]
230: A Story about the Family Superstition of Japan [unsigned]
231: [Unidentified fragment on superstitions].
232: The Diary of the Journey [unsigned]
233: [Diary of 4 days of a 16 day journey] [unsigned]
Subseries: KAKKE [Beri-beri]
234: Kakke by Haraguchi
235: Kakke by Masuda
236: Kakke by Matsui
237: The Disease Kakke by H Mayeda [?]
238: About the 'Kakke' by Miyasaki
239: The Kakke by Oisji
240: Kakke by Sakiki
241: Kakki by J Sakurai
242: The Kakke [Beriberi] by Sugiura [?]
243: Kakke by Taniguchi
244: Kakke Kakke which is.[unsigned]
245: Kakke, This disease has.[unsigned]
246: [Kakke] At the present time.[unsigned]
247: [Kakke] In Japan during the summer.[unsigned]
Subseries: MARRIAGE
248: The Marriage Ceremonies by R Fukuda
249: Marriage by T Isono
250: Marriage Ceremonies by Satake
251: Marriage Ceremonies by S Suzuki
Subseries: MONEY
252: The Japanese Money by Fukuda
253: The Money of Japan by M Ichikawa
254: The Money of Japan by I Ishiguro
255: The Money of Japan by T Isono
256: The Money of Japan by Kobayashi
257: The Money of Japan by Miyabara
258: The Japanese Money by M Motoyama
259: The Money of Japan by N Nakakuki
260: The Japanese Money by M Sugioka
261: The Money of Japan by S Suzuki
262: The Money of Japan by Takeo
263: The Money of Japan by Yamaoka
264: The Money of Japan by Yezawa
265: The Money of Japan [unsigned]
266: Shop Signs, In this empire.(illustrated) [unsigned]
267: Shop Signs, Streat [sic] Shows, and Streat [sic] Characters
of Tokio and other Cities of Japan, I do not write.[unsigned]
268: Shop Signs, Street Shows and Street Characters (illustrated) by
269: Shop Signs, Street Show and Street Characters of Tokio, I do not know
anything about.[unsigned]
270: Shop Signs, Streets' Show and Character of Streets of Tokio and other
part of Japan, I was commanded from the teacher...[unsigned]
271: Shop Signs, Street Shows and Street Characters of Tokei, Under the
general custom.[unsigned]
272: Shop Signs in Tokei, All the shop-signs.[unsigned]
273: [Shop Signs] I am sorry that.[unsigned
274: [Shop Signs] I do not know.[unsigned]
275: [Shop Signs] In Tokio there are.[unsigned]
276: [Shop Signs] Please excuse me." [unsigned]
277: [Shop Signs] The shops of the streets of Tokio.[unsigned]
278: [Shop Signs] Since Tokio is the largest.[unsigned]
279: [Shop Signs] (15 illustrations) [unsigned]
280: Signs of the Buck Meat [sc. Buckwheat] House, And "Signs of the
Daugh House (illustrated) [unsigned]
Subseries: SIN
281: The Sins of Mean [sic] by Ibi
282: The Greatest Sin by Kahara
283: About the Sin by Masuda
Subseries: THEATRE
284: The Effect of Theatres upon the People of a Country by Amano
285: The Theatre by Fukuda
286: Theatres by T Hanawa
287: The Theatre of Japan by Ichikawa
288: Japanese Theatres as the are at the present time by Imaseki
289: The History and Origin of Theatres in Japan by Irye
290: Theatre by I Ishiguro
291: Theater by S Ishimatsu
292: Theatre by Isono
293: The Effects of Theatres upon the People of a Country by T Kikchi
294: The Effect of Theatre upon the People of a Country by N Kishiro
295: The Theatre by Kobayashi
296: Theatres by Kuhara
297: Theatre by Masuda
298: The Effects of Theatres upon the People of a Country by H Mayeda
299: Theatre by N. Miyabura
300: The Effect of Theatre upon the people of a Country by Miyasaki
301: Theatres by Nakakuki
302: The Effects of Theatres upon the People of a Country by Nakayama
303: The Effect of Theatre upon the People of a Country by Ogasawara
304: The Theatre in Japan by T Okamura
305: Theatre by Oki
306: The Theatre by Ozawa
307: The Effect of Theatres upon the People of a Country by J Sakurai
308: The Japanese Theatres as they are at the present time by H Shimidzu
309: Theatre by Sugioka
310: Theatres by K Suzuki
311: Theatre by S Suzuki
312: Theatres by K Takahashi
313: The Effects of Theatres upon the People by Takasu
314: Theatre by Takeo
315: Theatres in Japan by N. Taniguchi316
316: Theatre by Yezawa
317: Theatres [unsigned]
318: [Noh Theatre, a draft] [unsigned]
319: Research Notes by Katherine G.M. Johnson
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